You know how I said in my very first blog, that my greatest memory so far was when I met The Wanted back on 10th July 2010? this story blows THAT story way out of the water! (by which I mean that 10th July goes down to my 2nd greatest memory haha!)
So I got to London about half 2, dropped my things off at Jimmeh's (my Friend who I went with) and noticed he had curly hair and a lizard shirt on...guess who I immediately thought of haha! (Jimmeh had no clue! doh!)
We made our way to the bus stop..(which seat can I takeee....NO NO!) and I saw THIS and just had to do what it said ;)
So the bus was a massive hour away from hammersmith, but saw some pretty cool sights, Kensington, Royal Albert Hall, Hyde Park, Doctor Who Experience...haha!
When we got to The HMV Hammersmith Apollo I couldn't believe it..there was NOONE outside..for a moment I thought we were at the wrong venue, then I realised it was only 5pm! (And I spotted this!...)
so we waited outside for a while and out of NOWHERE came thousands of crazed fans walking up, within about an hour of being there..(I was first in line woop!) after a while we spotted GMD3 going into the apollo but they were too quick for me to snap a picture..damn! but thankfully, not long after, out the back gates (right next to where I was)...out came LAWSON! (warm up act for TW if you haven't heard of them?) who were all lovely and wonderfully polite! (and VERY good looking...take a look for yourself!)
Me & Adam
Me & Joel (and his cheesiest grin ever! as he put it!)
Me & Andy
Me & Ryan
Lawson Also gave me this!
By this point I had got super hyped because Lawson are brilliant,( they're LAWSON AWESOME...oh dear!) and are DEFINITELY gonna be huge very soon! :)
By this point it was around six ish and I was looking forward to going in, but still had another HOUR! but then...out pops Twenty Twenty! :O I RAN over to the back door straight to Sam J Halliday and said hello and had a cheeky lil picture! ;)
then I went over to Sonny Watson-Lang and we had a cheeky chat and a picture!
and last but most certainly not least came Jack S Halliday! who promised to look out for my tweets! of course had a cheeky lil chat with him & a picture!
and was time for the SHOWWWWW! at this point my voice started cracking..the concert hadn't even started and I was losing my voice..tryed to save it by drinking an entire bottle of water which helped a little!
So I got inside and first thing I did was bought my Merchandise!
Then I went in and found out my seats were RIGHT AT THE BACK! :( gutted! still pretty close as on the bottom level,but we weren't in the light so The Wanted had no hope of seeing me! ah well could've been worse!
I then saw a couple of #twfanmily who I'd spoken to on twitter which was awesome and chatted to them when suddenly Lawson came on stage! they were amazing live...they are definitely going to be big (like I said haha)
heres a video I recorded of them singing Katy Perry's
FIREWORK < clickLawson Performing
Next came on the awesomeness that is Twenty Twenty! I myself love them, and was gutted when I couldn't see them at their own tour, so this made me very happy! Their energy was amazing! Superwoman - their 2nd song is immense! look out for it! I recorded their first single
Love To Life HERE and I've preordered it on!
Twenty Twenty Performing
Then after Twenty Twenty came on an act who goes by the name of Starboy Nathan. He was pretty good! Not what I expected to see at the gig, as he reminded me more of a warm up act for someone like Ne-Yo,Usher, even Justin Bieber haha! But I still enjoyed his music, and he stripped off at the end ;)
Starboy Nathan with Backing Dancers
Then of course came the reason I had been there since 5pm...The Wanted!!
First off came a massive screen with Sky News HD on it claiming there were 5 Diamond Jewel Robbers on the loose...and showed their prison pictures (which were gorgeous!) and told a little story about them, (this Sky News thing happened everytime they changed outfits..was a really good idea and really got you going into the story! it had clearly had a lot of thought and time put into it!)
Then of course The Wanted came on in their Jail Outfits haha! with swinging bars in front of them singing 'Behind Bars'!
I won't tell you every song they sang because that would take a lot of time, but the running theme of the story was the jail robbers, and how they escaped Jail, went on the run (singing Lets Get Ugly!) and ran away to Las Vegas and much more! (if you want to know the whole story you'll have to buy the Tour DVD! ;P)
after a few songs they got their instruments out! (literally...dirty minded people!) Nathan with his Keyboard, Tom, Max & Siva with their Guitars..and Jay with his Tambourine haha!
They then sang an acoustic of Hi & Low, which was beautiful and everyone got their phones out waving them! Then they sang their Live Lounge cover of Animal by Neon Trees
which can be found HERE (oh I do spoil you ;P) which was absolutely amazing and my favourite cover by The Wanted besides Kickstarts so was very happy to hear this! They then sang Iris, which sounded beautiful, and then got up ready to start singing more of their own songs,(what they do best of course!)
Then the boys went off stage, and the house lights came on, everyone started freaking out because it blatantly wasn't over...hard to believe, but I actually had figured out what was coming, and I was right! to my right aisle...Jay & Max...To My Left, Siva, Nathan & Tom! I could barely see them through the crowd but I spotted Jay's hair moving along haha! it took them so long to get through but they got up on stage and WOW! SUITED AND BOOTED! They scrub up well ;) They Sang their new single LIGHTNING! which you guys are going to LOVE! its amazing! More singing then ensued! Siva then started talking about Taio Cruz and how the band loved him, and they did a Medley of Taio Cruz songs with a mix of their own song MADE in there..
which of course I have for you guys!Not Long after they sang Gold Forever...which meant it was almost over...*sigh* or so I thought...
The Wanted walked off stage and the lights came up, and of course the crowd were screaming when I suddenly went.."hang on a minute...they haven't sung All Time Low yet?! They're coming back!" to which the crowd then started chanting 'ALL TIME LOW ALL TIME LOW' and of course the lads were back on in new outfits almost immediately singing All Time Low which sounded amazing of course!
and then of course, like all things ended, and I walked out of the Apollo and headed Straight for the back did hundreds of others.. it was about 11ish, and the security were saying to everyone 'The Wanted are in an afterparty and wont be out till 2.30am at least!' a lot of people left half an hour later..not me. I wasnt going ANYWHERE. I'd been there since 5pm and had no intention of leaving till I'd seen The Wanted leave...even if it meant waving to them in their car..So waited I did.
Twenty Twenty came out to say Hi and Jack said bye, Sam & Sonny gave me a hug and signed the program (I didnt have any Twenty Twenty stuff for them to sign unfortunately!) and then they went back inside the apollo..we then saw Lawson leave in their car, and we spotted PARADE!!!! I ran over to Parade but a car was blocking my path so didn't get to them in time before they got in the car, but the manager saw me and took my email and twitter and hopefully am getting a pic sent to me which is awesome! thank you lady! I then went back to wait for The Wanted..
By this point there was only about 15 of us left as it was about half 12, and most people were on the verge of going it was freezing! (I now have a cold haha!)
the gates then opened and out came Twenty Twenty's van who we waved to and they waved us goodbye, which was then followed by a white blacked out windows van....which we figured had The Wanted in..and we were right..everyone started waving at the van, and watching them leave when BAM!
Van stopped right in front of me..door opened and out came Tom, then Jay,Siva,Max & Nathan! I couldnt believe my eyes!
I froze then realised what happened and ran to Tom as he was first person I spotted! He gave me a hug and said 'hiya y'alright babe' and I spoke to him and asked for a photo, he said yes, and then turned AROUND! haha so I cheekily pinched his bum and he looked and went 'OH YEAH sorry!' (too busy chatting up the fit girls I reckon!) so got a cheeky little picture with Thomas Parker! he also said "we almost didn't come out of the van, we weren't going to!" I'm so glad they did!
Then I looked over and spotted Jay McGuiness who I promise what I'm about to tell you is COMPLETELY 100% true!
Jay came up to me (said hello how are you etc..generic greetings haha!) gave me a big Jaybird hug and said 'I read one of your tumblr blogs and I always read your other ones...and..their hilarious..and, you should keep doing them!" :O that boy made my life! not kidding! I told him that as well haha! So if you are reading this Jay, Hello! and thank you for being amazing! you are such a lovely genuine guy and I'm so lucky to have met you AGAIN and honoured you like my writing ( I hope this is good enough for you as well! tweet me and let me know @bunnyaimee) we then had a little chat and I made him laugh so I managed to get TWO adorable pictures with the Jaybird. I really wanted his Jacket by the way, wish they had sold them at the Merch bar!

Then of course I turned around and who was there? SIVA KANESWARAN! (apologies for caps, if you know me or have seen any pictures of my t-shirt above, you'll get it!) he said "hello darlin!" and gave me quite possibly the biggest and longest hug and kiss on the cheek I will ever have which is now imprinted on me forever! (he remembered me and clearly knows how much I like him haha!) he then started chatting to me for absolutely ages! he bent down talking to me and I had my hand on his leg and he had his hand on my arm, and when I told him I'd been there since 5pm he said "why are you still here? why have you been here all this time?!" and I said "to see you! I came to see you!" and he had the most caring smile on his face and hugged me again, we then chatted about other stuff and he signed my program with hearts and kept chatting to me when he started to get up as he'd been chatting for a while to me about different things, and we had a picture, and I asked him to tweet me again as it'd been ages..nothing yet...(hoping for a follow!) he asked me if i was coming to the gig the next night as he walked would not believe how gutted I was that I didn't have tickets for both days after he asked that...

Then out of nowhere I heard 'y'alright DAAARLIN' and Max George popped down next to me with the cutest cheeky smile that he has! he signed my program and had a picture as well, and a short chat he said he remembered me from Kings Lynn which was awesome! oh and Max...I accidently went home with your Sharpie...SORRY! :O
Max then had to go and I went "thats cool I just gotta say hi to Nathan now..." turned around and I couldn't see Nathan anywhere?! I went "wheres Nathan?!" and I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder..turned around "Oh Hi Nathan! I was Just wondering where you were!" to which he replied "I know I heard you haha!"
he gave me a massive hug and bent down to chat to me for the same amount of time as Siva if not longer! he signed my program, had a picture, and kept his arm round me..I said to him 'random question, but do you remember me?' and he said 'yeah I do, you were at that gig outside in umm.." me: "kings lynn festival too" Nathan: " thats it, cause the gig was amazing and we met you afterwards for a while and then we stayed in this really creepy old hotel...etc" and I told him the place they stayed in was haunted to which he replied "omg really..I thought I saw someone in my room!" and he looked genuinely freaked out so i gave him a hug and he laughed haha so hopefully he was joking!
after our long chat, they all got pulled away by Big Kev (yeah!) and taken back into the van (Tom quite literally got dragged in bless him!) and we said our goodbyes and watched them leave...and then I realised I hadnt got Tom or Jay to sign my program...WHOOPS!
So as you can probably tell I was overjoyed with that night, and it was truly one to remember, theres so much more to say, but I think this blog is long enough now haha! its longer than Neytiri's Body! (Jays Lizard!)
So This is now my newest greatest memory...and now I'm sure you can see why!
I have found an even greatest respect for everyone of these guys now, they didn't have to get out of their vans, or stay for half as long as they did, and take the time to chat to me and say and do all those amazing things, it truly is the little things that make the difference! I hope one day, If I ever make it as a singer, that I can be as great to my fans as they are to the #twfanmily...
PS: @Samjhalliday DID tweet me!
PPS: Woke up this morning to find @NathanTheWanted following me back on twitter! :O
Full Pictures Of The Night:
Album 1 -
Album 2 -
Album 3 -
Videos if you missed the links above
Lawson - Firework
Twenty Twenty - Love To Life
The Wanted - Animal
The Wanted -Taio Cruz Medley & MADE
Unfortunately I haven't been able to make a video blog about this yet, but until I do please take a look at my #WantedONEsday video which took me 2 days to complete! ENJOY!
(ps: there are loads of other wanted related video blogs on my
youtube as well, and plenty more to come! so subscribe if you like! there are other non-wanted video blogs too of course!)
Aimee Talbot
@Bunnyaimee (made this as Tom was the only member without one!)
for more websites check the page marked websites on my bunnyaimee tumblr!)